• Sunday Post #85: Settling Down

    Sunday Post #85: Settling Down

    Hello Pixies! It’s been a long while. I’ve had some family troubles I’ve been dealing with, plus was struggling with a reading slump. I think I am finally kicking the slump though, and the family troubles seem to be mostly settled at the moment, so I’m hoping I will be able to show up here… Read more

  • September TBR

    September TBR

    Well, I don’t know who I am anymore. I haven’t really been reading, but since I did so well in June with Whateverathon, I thought I would participate in some readathons in September. I have decided to participate in both Becca’s Bookopolathon, and G’s Magical Readathon. So far my habit this year is to start… Read more

  • Quarter 2 Goals Review & Quarter 3 Goals

    Well, the second quarter was… interesting, I guess is the word I would use. It was also quite hectic, or at least felt hectic. I felt like it was just one thing after another, but still managed a few successes with my goals and we are here again. Real quick, here is how I did… Read more

  • Whatever You Want A Thon TBR

    Maddie from Book Browsing Blog on YouTube, has created a readathon for the month of June called Whatever You Want A Thon, or Whataverthon for short. Here is her announcement video. I’m still trying to get myself out of this slump of sorts I seem to be in, and am struggling with home and work… Read more

  • Sunday Post #84: BEDA Fail

    Sunday Post #84: BEDA Fail

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared. Read more

  • Prepping for a Readathon

    When a readathon is approaching, there is often a feeling of excitement and anticipation of the enjoyment of reading all those books you’ve set aside to read. Before you’ve even set aside those books for reading there is something you should consider. Read more