• Outlining in Trello

    Outlining in Trello

    I first heard about Trello a few years ago. I was becoming interested in project management, and it is a free Project Management website and app. You can sign up for a free account if you want to try it. *This post is not sponsored.* Read more

  • Sunday Post #82: Was I Productive?

    Sunday Post #82: Was I Productive?

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. Read more

  • Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell

    Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell

    I recently read Write Your Novel From the Middle. I had seen this years ago, but laughed at it. I actually laughed. Here I am now wishing I hadn’t, and instead picked it up when I first saw it. Even though the process for outlining a story has changed for me, there are some good… Read more

  • 2021 Quarter 2 Goals

    I don’t usually, at least lately, make quarterly goals, but it is something I want to get back to. I think it helps me focus in on and define what is priority for me. Making them quarterly instead of monthly, also helps with some flexibility when one month goes sideways and things just go crazy… Read more

  • Sunday Post #81: BEDA and More

    Sunday Post #81: BEDA and More

    Here we are in 2021, and I still haven’t really been reading. I have a certification I’m trying to get through work and have been reading for that. It’s not fun reading for this certification. It does though, make me want to read for fun. I’ve started a few books and once again have multiple… Read more

  • These Books Will Self-Destruct | 2021

    These Books Will Self-Destruct | 2021

    I’ve seen Booktubers do something like this, but I’m changing it. On this list, yes are books I’ve had on my TBR for a while, but additionally, these are all books I’ve picked up, started reading, then put down for one reason or another and never picked up again. Read more