• Sunday Post #75: Basement Demolition Complete

    Sunday Post #75: Basement Demolition Complete

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. Read more

  • Kingdom of Liars | Review

    Kingdom of Liars | Review

    Nope, just nope. I couldn’t finish the book. I managed 75%, and I dragged myself for most of that. The most exciting part of this book was the prologue. Read more

  • Bye Bye, Goodreads

    Bye Bye, Goodreads

    Most all readers have used Goodreads, or at least tried it out. And those of us who have tried or used it, all seem to have common reasons of why we hate using Goodreads. Yet, these items have not been addressed by Goodreads. Read more

  • Sunday Post #74: Starting to Prep the Basement

    Sunday Post #74: Starting to Prep the Basement

    We had some sewer issues, now fixed a few weeks ago. Now seems the perfect time with things all shoved against one wall…kind of against one wall, to measure the basement in it’s current form to see where to move or add some walls. We also are having trouble deciding what to tackle first. The… Read more

  • Sunday Post #73: Tome Topple 12

    The Tome Topple is a readathon created by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. This next round will be from August 8 – August 21. The idea behind the readathon is for you to read books over 500 pages. There are prompts you can do, or just pick up one of those large intimidating books from… Read more

  • Sunday Post #72: Reading Slump Blues

    Sunday Post #72: Reading Slump Blues

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. Read more