• Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

    Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

    There were moments of hilarity, and even the chapter titles will have you laughing. Jane also has a way of being perhaps a little too strong minded at times and gets herself in hard situations. She will also look out for you no matter what. You may have made life hard for her but you… Read more

  • Sunday Post #43: Cleaning Out the Storage

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. Our basement has been full of stuff since shortly after we moved into our current house. It’s been over a decade and we have accumulated others stuff as well as additional stuff of our own. After these many years, I… Read more

  • Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

    Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor

    Oh my gosh, I loved it! I would love for more books from this world but I’m happy with how everything was wrapped up. I was a bit confused in the beginning because we meet some new characters in a different land. Before too long though it started to make sense because we switched back… Read more

  • Sunday Post #42: Fun at a Wedding

    I even managed to get my husband on the dance floor. Not only that, we opened the floor! He doesn’t like to dance, and I consider myself lucky to get him out for one. It was nice having it be the first dance of the night, and us being the first on the dance floor. Read more

  • The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons

    The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons

    I recommend you try The Ruin of Kings by Jenn Lyons. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, be mad, be happy, and even take in sudden breaths out of shock. This book has everything including cute notes at the end of each chapter explaining things almost as a citation or defining who monsters or gods are. The… Read more

  • Sunday Post #41: Cleaning Goodreads

    I’ve been working on cleaning up my Goodreads shelves. It’s hard with most every book being in an electronic format, so it’s hard to see what I have and need to read. I had created a just need the chance shelf on Goodreads, but I’ve been bad about keeping it up to date, and then… Read more