• The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin

    Title: The Fifth Season (Book 1 – The Broken Earth) Author: N.K. Jemisin Publisher: Hachette Audio Narrator: Robin Miles I listened to this book on audio as my first read through. This was probably a mistake because the story is somewhat involved and switches between 2nd and 3rd voice. This story follows two individuals with the magical ability… Read more

  • Sunday Post 26: One Book Done

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. I managed to finish one book this week. I keep jumping around between the others and haven’t spent enough time in any single book to actually get to the last page. The book I finished was Promises in Death by… Read more

  • Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence

    Title: Prince of Thorns (book 1 – The Broken Empire) Author: Mark Lawrence Publisher: Ace Wow, when the reviews I found before starting this book said it was dark, they weren’t kidding. Prince of Thorns is the first book I read by Mark Lawrence. I started it on kind of a whim. This was a book… Read more

  • Sunday Post 25: Holidays are Done

    The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. We have survived another holiday season. We visited most of our families, I just missed out on my Dad’s side because we had no one to watch our new puppy. We received some really good gifts, and the puppy now… Read more

  • 2019 Audiobook Challenge

    As I  previously mentioned, 2019 is going to be interesting and full. Audiobooks will likely be the only reason I will have read more books than I did this year. Or at least that is going to be the idea. To keep the pressure off though I am going to keep my Goodreads goal at… Read more

  • Books I Wish I Read in 2018

    Books I Wish I Read in 2018

    While I met my Goodreads Reading Challenge, I didn’t quite do as well as I’d hoped. I especially missed more than a few books I’ve been looking forward to reading, but for some reason still didn’t read in 2018. Here are a few. Read more