• August Wrap Up

    August Wrap Up

    Books Read I only finished one book in August which was The Disappearance of Winter’s Daughter by Michael J. Sullivan. I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Tim Gerard Reynolds. It was an interesting and entertaining story. New Books! August was my birthday month. Thanks to this I received many new books to my digital… Read more

  • Review: The Becoming

    Review: The Becoming

    Summary The world of magick and the world of man have long been estranged from one another. But some can walk between the two—including Breen Siobhan Kelly. She has just returned to Talamh, with her friend, Marco, who’s dazzled and disoriented by this realm—a place filled with dragons and faeries and mermaids (but no WiFi,… Read more

  • Review: The Awakening

    Review: The Awakening

    This is a contemporary fantasy. Things get interesting almost immediately as our main character, Breen, finds her mother has been hiding something very important from her. The father she thought had left them long ago, had left her an account with now a few million dollars for her. Her life to that point was full… Read more

  • July Wrap Up

    July Wrap Up

    July was a bit busy; busier than a usual month for me with some of the stuff going on at work, and the challenges I attempted. Spoiler alert, I think I failed at each of them. Let’s run through and see if I managed to succeed at anything this month or if I took too… Read more

  • Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

    Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

    6 months down, and 6 more to go. I’m not really pushing towards a goal of total books I’d like to read by the end of the year. At the same time though, I’d like to read at least 52 books by the end of the year. This would equate to an average of one… Read more

  • June & Whateverathon Wrap Up

    June & Whateverathon Wrap Up

    June was somewhat busy, as I was also preparing for a co-workers retirement party at work. I managed to complete 4 books towards the readathon, and I had pledged 4. So I at least completed my goal. However, I could have read more, but picked up a gook I ended up DNFing, and two others… Read more