Sunday Post #71: Poor Squirrels

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The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly over on the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news of what happened in your life, what’s coming up on your blog, or recap posts shared.

Had an interesting but also depressing event happen Thursday. We had just walked out the door to take a walk, and were just turning around from shutting the door. BOOM! The something seemed to explode from the electrical pole, and two pieces of something fell. Turns out the two things were two squirrels. One died instantly, I suspect it was the one possibly chewing at the wire, and landed in our neighbors yard. The other was stunned, and landed in our yard.

I got excited when he popped up his head. I quick texted my sister-in-law who is a Veterinarian Technician asking if there was anything we could do for an electrocuted squirrel. She gave the sad news that no, there was nothing we could do. It would die of heart failure, which happened in minutes.

We were all torn by this shocking (no pun intended) event. The neighborhood squirrels like our yard and constantly talk to us. I enjoy sitting in the yard listening to them chitter away. Even our puppy was sad to see the squirrels pass away. I was worried about letting him close, afraid he may try to eat the squirrel or carry him off. My husband didn’t have the same fear I did and allowed the puppy close. He then attempted to cover the squirrel with grass. It was kind of cute, and was enough to break through the sadness to bring a smile to our faces.